Dina Convalesces

She is one with the bed
The great horizontal
Who knows which vertebrae cracked
This time, the lucky third
(We learn from mistakes)
This fall too was fortunate
A fifteen-day, enforced bedrest
And all the goings-on
At the beck of a gong
Tea in bed (from teapot)
And propped up for a read
(a naughty no-no)
Sisters and daughters and maid
To their debts put paid
As Vivekananda said:
"That's creation of illusion --
This 'help' received or rendered
All relatives and friends
Are old dry wells
We fall into them
Dreaming duty and bondage..."
But before the ochre robe
There dwells the broken body
Yet, an ego to age
Shakespeare's Cleopatra at going
Said: "Husband, I come!"

It falls to me, illusory being
To give the convalescent this good reading.

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