Bathing the Body with Love
A shower
Pins and needles
Needles of water
The body at a bath
The body in water
Spirit in body
but not like a body in water
The body bathed
The spirit rejoices
The body hated
Spirit dies
Even if you walk talk then
Like a mechanical doll
The body dies
If spirit dies
The spirit dies without love
With hatred
Others' hatred of your loving body
Their eyes are ugly
And their seeing has made you ugly
What is that thing between your legs
Is it male or female
Is then the spirit male or female?
Do they morph together?
Or is the spirit tardy and lazy like the body?
Christ was crucified
He paid with his Body
The broken body on the Cross
Mother Mary a lover bathed his body
With her body Her blood and
The things that made His body
The Body that was made in order to be broken
Now I'm at a bath
And I hate my body
Bathe it with your kisses
Bathe it with your looks and caresses
Bathe it with your tears of love
So your loving eyes will make me lovely
So that when the ugly break my body
As they must
Your spirit will resurrect it.